Design & Illustration

Tara Beach Resort Vanuatu - Key Tags and Signage

One of our first jobs on our New Laser Machine was for The Tara Beach Resort in Vanuatu.
We designed and produced the Key Tags for all of their rooms. We laser cut and etched the tags from Fijian Ply with a marine grade varnish over the top.
The Tir Na Nog’ Laser Etched Sign is for the Resort Owners House on the Island. Tir Na Nog’ is an old celtic saying meaning “Land of the Young”. The sign was made from Meranti wood with a Marine Grade varnish.

Runaway Bay Seagulls Vegas Promo

We recently did a Promo Package for the Runaway Bay Seagulls Leagues Club’s “Win a Trip to Las Vegas” Promotion.
The package included all Design and Printing of Flyers, Pull up Banners, Point of Sale Stands and the Large Signage out the front of the Club.

Gunnersens Laser Cut Gift Note Pad Boxes

Happy New Year!!!! After a great 2011, we have hit the ground running in 2012. Already starting to get busy.

Here is a huge job we finished last year.
We had to make thousands of these Laser Cut and Laser Etched Note Pad Boxes for Gunnersens, who are Australia’s largest privately owned Timber and Wood-Based Panel supply company. They were used for their corporate christmas gifts.
We came up with all of the concepts through to final designs for the boxes. Gunnersens supplied the veneered MDF, of course, we then Laser Cut and Etched them, then had to put them all together by hand.
Big job, but the final product was great and the client was stoked!


Custom Designed and Made NuFlow Trophy

This is a recent project we did for NuFlow Technologies.

We had to design and produce their annual awards trophies and wall plaques.
There were 4 different categories, each one incorporating a different colour.
The trophies are a stand alone piece handed out to the winner of each category. The wall plaques are a larger version of the trophy, which hang on the wall of the NuFlow head office and get updated each year with the new winners.

The trophies consist of 3 separate layers of acrylic, each one a different colour. It also have a laser etched plaque and a domed logo.

Here is one of the finished products.

Sustainable Products

Potato Press is committed to sourcing, promoting and providing timber products that are certified under FSC ®. As an active supporter of the campaign to improve forest management and with growing public awareness of environmental issues, we have made significant moves towards stocking a wider range of products that originate from certified forests.

As a natural and potentially sustainable resource, well managed forests from which forest products are produced, provide significant and measurable environmental and economic benefits to communities, regions, countries and consumers.

Organisations such as Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes (PEFC) have developed standards outlining what is required to ensure forests are well managed. Forests are certified by an independent third-party against these standards.

Consumers need to be able to identify which wood products have originated from certified forests. This can be difficult, as wood can pass through various owners and processes before reaching the consumer.

Potato Press are committed to caring for our environment, both natural and man-made, to the best of our ability.















Billabong Pro Teahupo'o Tahiti Andy Irons Forever Award 2011

We here at Potato Press feel very privileged to have produced the very first Andy Irons Forever Award for the 2011 Billabong Pro in Teahupo’o Tahiti.

We were involved from the design and concept stage all the way through to completion.
It was made from a combination of Laser Etched and Cut Red Cedar, A Grade Ply and Brushed Aluminum Acrylic.
All the pieces were layered on top of each other to give the trophy depth and texture.

A huge congratulations goes to Jeremy Flores from France who was awarded the trophy for the most committed surfer of the whole event.
Flores surfed unbelievably well throughout the whole comp and even scored a perfect heat, getting two 10 point rides.

Check out the clip below of Bruce Irons presenting the Trophy to Jeremy Flores. Check out full coverage of the event over HERE

Andy Irons Forever….

Air Tahiti Nui Von Zipper Trials Trophy 2011

Just finished the Air Tahiti Nui Von Zipper Trials, Craig Lee Memorial Trophy for 2011.

We only finished this on Friday, Dropped it down to the boys Friday Arvo, then it traveled to Teahupoo, Tahiti and was awarded to the Winner on Sunday!

All of us here at Potato Press have been huge fans of the Billabong Pro Teahupoo Tahiti for years. It was a real honor to be involved with this project from initial concepts all the way through to final product.

Congratulations to Ricardo Dos Santos of Brazil, winner of the Air Tahiti Nui Von Zipper Trials.
He now gets a shot at the title of the Billabong Pro Tahiti 2011 and will go up against all the Pro Surfers on the ASP World Tour.

Stay tuned for some more Potato Press involvement with the Billabong Pro Tahiti 2011.

Cooper & Westwood Office Graphics

Here is a recent office graphic fit out for Gold Coast Advertising Agency, Cooper & Westwood. They recently moved into a new office space and asked us to do some graphics throughout the office for them.
We did Printed and Vinyl Cut Glass Graphics, which flowed through all the windows in the office.
We also did a Laser Cut Timber Screen for their boardroom window. We used Fijian Ply, which has a nice grain and colour to it.

Check out the finished product……

For Good Measure.....

We did a Foiled Wine Label for our good friends at The Measure. It was used for their Christmas / End of Year gift to their clients. Designed by the guys at The Measure.

Super clean, crisp design…….. So much so, it was featured on the Package Design Blog, Lovely Package………Check it out HERE.

MCG Office Graphics

Here are some shots of an Office Graphics fit-out we did for McCarthy Consulting Group, in Southport on the Gold Coast, late last year.

All Concept and Design was done in-house by our design team, as well as all Production and Installation.

Front Reception – Customised Printed Textured Wallpaper, 30mm Routed and 2 pak MCG sign and Laser Cut Lettering across Front Reception Desk.

Office Window Graphics – Printed and Contour Cut Frosted Etch Reverse Applied with Vinyl Cut MCG Logo Face Applied.

Front Entrance Doors – Frosted Etch Reverse Applied with Vinyl Cut MCG Logo Face Applied.

Hand crafted design solutions for forward thinking industries

Some of our valued clients

Alpha flight services
Brand Point
Village Road Show
Queensland Rail
Bond University
War Memorial